
Measurement Data for "Parallelization of the optical pulse-drive for AC Josephson voltage standards" (2025); Kraus, Marco; Kieler, Oliver; Behr, Ralf; Palafox, Luis; DOI: 10.7795/720.20250210
Equivalent Threshold Sound Pressure Levels (ETSPLs) for circumaural Sony WH-1000XM4 headphones (2024); Bug, Marion U.; Fedtke, Thomas; DOI: 10.7795/720.202412206
Additional data for the publication "Zero External Magnetic Field Quantum Standard of Resistance at the 10^−9 Level" (2024); Patel, Dinesh K.; Fijalkowski, Kajetan M.; Kruskopf, Matthias; Liu, Nan; Götz, Martin; et al. DOI: 10.7795/720.20240314
NEXAFS Spectra in Fluorescence and Transmission Mode of Organo-Sulfur Compounds with varying Sulfur Strand Length (2024); Skudler, Konstantin; Müller, Matthias; DOI: 10.7795/720.20241009
Supplemental material to the article "Sub-nm precise measurement of adhesive gaps by imaging interferometry" (2024); Schödel, René; Ernst, Hans-Henning; Walkov, Alexander; Großmann, Jan; DOI: 10.7795/720.20240726
20SIP04qMOIF Round Robin Comparison results (2024); Sievers, Sibylle; Dorosinkiy, Lev; Lindner, Morris; DOI: 10.7795/720.20240618
Simulation data for "Compensation of higher order rotationally symmetric Zernike coefficients caused by the defocusing of spherical sections" (2024); Schake, Markus; DOI: 10.7795/710.20240403
Development of Flip-Chip Technology for the Optical Drive of Superconducting Circuits (2024); Kieler, Oliver; Tian, Hao; Kraus, Marco; Priyadarshi, Shekhar; Felgner, Judith; et al. DOI: 10.7795/720.20240226
Several data sets of seismological and infra-sound field measurements - supplementary file (2024); Schwardt, Michaela; DOI: 10.7795/720.20240220C
Data set of seismological measurements with controlled sources - supplementary file (2024); Schwardt, Michaela; DOI: 10.7795/720.20240220B
Microbarometer measurements in the vicinity of wind power plants - supplementary file (2024); Schwardt, Michaela; Pilger, Christoph; DOI: 10.7795/720.20240220A
Additional data for the publication "Cryogenic fiber-coupled electro-optic characterization platform for high-speed photodiodes" (2024); Priyadarshi, Shekhar; Tian, Hao; Fernández Scarioni, Alexander; Wolter, Silke; Kieler, Oliver; et al. DOI: 10.7795/720.20240115
Additional data for the publication "Intercomparison to validate implementations of different laboratories of algorithms for the analysis of surface texture" (2024); Hüser, Dorothee; Seewig, Jörg; Koppert, Nils; DOI: 10.7795/720.20240112
Measurement data for "Traceable sphericity measurements at PTB" (2023); Schake, Markus; DOI: 10.7795/720.20232104
SF6 infrared absorption cross sections (2023); Lüttschwager (Domanskaya), Alexandra; Berezkin, Kirill; Li, Gang; Bohlius, Henning; Kim, Mi Eon; et al. DOI: 10.7795/720.20231027


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