Titel: |
20SIP04qMOIF Round Robin Comparison results
Autoren: |
Sievers, Sibylle, Physikalisch-Technische Bundesanstalt (PTB), Fachbereich 2.5 Halbleiterphysik und Magnetismus, ORCID: 0000-0002-6848-8984Dorosinkiy, Lev, TÜBİTAK UME, Gebze, TÜRKIYE Lindner, Morris, Innovent e.V., Jena |
Beitragende: |
HostingInstitution: Physikalisch-Technische Bundesanstalt (PTB), ISNI: 0000 0001 2186 1887
Sprachen: |
DOI: |
Art der Ressource: |
Art der Ressource:
Dataset / Measurement Data
Verlag: |
Physikalisch-Technische Bundesanstalt (PTB)
Rechte: |
https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/CC-BY 4.0 International |
Beziehungen: |
IsReferencedBy: DOI 10.7795/120.20240627
Datumsangaben: |
Verfügbar: 2024-06-24 Erstellt: 2024-06-18 |
Klassifikationen: |
INSPEC A0620 Metrology ; INSPEC A0620H Measurement standards and calibration ; INSPEC B7200 Measurement equipment and instrumentation systems ; INSPEC E1650 Standards and calibration
Datei: |
Datei herunterladen
122.69 MB (128650643 Bytes)
MD5 Prüfsumme: c7d1f669c0af724fbe9d5074987b5727 SHA256 Prüfsumme: 862a8ca59a819bfac29f1c755d10692a6534a55030a8307455d14e39d4463dd3 |
Stichwörter: |
round robin comparison ;
magneto optical indicator film ;
quantitative magnetic field measurement
Zusammenfassung: |
To provide worked examples of quantitative Magneto-Optical Indicator Film measurements in the frame of the EMPIR project 20SIP04qMOIF, Innovent, PTB and TÜBİTAK performed a Round Robin Comparison by measuring the stray field distributions of magnetic scales using the MOIF systems set up in 15SIB06 NanoMag. TÜBİTAK used its high-resolution confocal microscope. Innovent and PTB used calibrated MagView systems. The measured field distributions are compared. As a secondary parameter, the pole width of the written pole pattern was analyzed and compared.
Inhaltsverzeichnis: |
All datafiles contain magnetic field data in units of [mT] that were measured on magnetic scales. For details see related document.The title of the data files has the structure ____ Data of the type “fieldimage” are 2D arrays of magnetic field values in mT. The data are taken at equidistant points over an area with the dimension width × height. format: .csv method: Measurements are performed with a cmos-MagView recommended software: excel Data of the type “fieldline” are measured along a line in the center of the pole trace The first column gives the position along the trace, while the following columns contain the data of repeated magnetic field measurements. format: .csv or .txt method: Measurements are performed confocal microsocope recommended software: excel / any text editor |
Anderes: |
This project (EMPIR 20SIP04 qMOIF) has received funding from the EMPIR programme co-financed by the Participating States and from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme.
Förderung: |
European Commission (EC), ISNI: 0000 0001 2162 673X, Grant Title: Standardization of a quantitative magneto-optical indicator film based magnetic field measurement technique, Grant Number: EMPIR 20SIP04 qMOIF