Measurement Data for "Parallelization of the optical pulse-drive for AC Josephson voltage standards"
Kraus, Marco, Physikalisch-Technische Bundesanstalt (PTB), Fachbereich 2.6, Elektrische Quantenmetrologie, ORCID: 0000-0002-7592-9493
Kieler, Oliver, Physikalisch-Technische Bundesanstalt (PTB), Fachbereich 2.4, Quantenelektronik, ORCID: 0000-0001-5193-8910
Behr, Ralf, Physikalisch-Technische Bundesanstalt (PTB), Fachbereich 2.6, Elektrische Quantenmetrologie, ORCID: 0000-0002-5480-443X
Palafox, Luis, Physikalisch-Technische Bundesanstalt (PTB), Fachbereich 2.6, Elektrische Quantenmetrologie, ORCID: 0000-0001-7663-856X
HostingInstitution: Physikalisch-Technische Bundesanstalt (PTB), ISNI: 0000 0001 2186 1887
Art der Ressource:
Art der Ressource:
Dataset / Measurement Data
Physikalisch-Technische Bundesanstalt (PTB)
CC-BY 4.0 International
Verfügbar: 2025-02-10
INSPEC A0620 Metrology
Datei herunterladen (application/zip) 1.38 MB (1447799 Bytes)
MD5 Prüfsumme: 91d8e207ed6d7c8de588cc5b779f9dc6
SHA256 Prüfsumme: cdc5cfe15c2d5f81e59515113b78a5eff5abdcffda624849a154cd3ca5836a8c
AC Josephson voltage standard ; Josephson arbitrary waveform synthesizer ; optical pulsedrive ; photodiode
Characterization measurements of PTB's optical JAWS.
The archive contains 12 data files corresponding to the graphs shown in the publication. The data elaboration and graphs creation were performed with the software tool “Origin” and the data tables have been subsequently exported in a tabular format.

- Filename: fig3a.txt
Parent Figure 3a of main text.
Data description: Processed data for the plot (1st line: Physical quantity, 2nd line: Physical unit, remaining lines: Numerical Data)
RMS ampltiude spectrum of the positiv half-sine wave.

- Filename: fig3b.txt
Parent Figure 3b of main text.
Data description: Processed data for the plot (1st line: Physical quantity, 2nd line: Physical unit, remaining lines: Numerical Data)
2ms Section of the time signal of the positiv half-sine wave measured.

- Filename: fig3c.txt
Parent Figure 3c of main text.
Data description: Processed data for the plot (1st line: Physical quantity, 2nd line: Physical unit, remaining lines: Numerical Data)
RMS ampltiude spectrum of the negative half-sine wave.

- Filename: fig3d.txt
Parent Figure 3d of main text.
Data description: Processed data for the plot (1st line: Physical quantity, 2nd line: Physical unit, remaining lines: Numerical Data)
2ms Section of the time signal of the negative half-sine wave measured.

- Filename: fig3e.txt
Parent Figure 3e of main text.
Data description: Processed data for the plot (1st line: Physical quantity, 2nd line: Physical unit, remaining lines: Numerical Data)
RMS ampltiude spectrum of the full sine wave.

- Filename: fig3f.txt
Parent Figure 3f of main text.
Data description: Processed data for the plot (1st line: Physical quantity, 2nd line: Physical unit, remaining lines: Numerical Data)
2ms Section of the time signal of the full sine wave measured.

- Filename: fig3a+c+e_noise.txt
Parent Figure 3a+c+e of main text.
Data description: Processed data for the plot (1st line: Physical quantity, 2nd line: Physical unit, remaining lines: Numerical Data)
RMS ampltiude spectrum when the RF bias is turned off.

- Filename: fig4a+b.txt
Parent Figure 4a+b of main text.
Data description: Processed data for the plot (1st line: object indicator, 2nd line: Physical quantity, 3nd line: Physical unit, remaining lines: Numerical Data)
Amplitude deviation and THD as a function of applied dither current.

- Filename: fig5a+b.txt
Parent Figure 5a+b of main text.
Data description: Processed data for the plot (1st line: object indicator, 2nd line: Physical quantity, 3nd line: Physical unit, remaining lines: Numerical Data)
Amplitude deviation and THD as a function of laser diode output power.

- Filename: fig5c+d.txt
Parent Figure 5c+d of main text.
Data description: Processed data for the plot (1st line: object indicator, 2nd line: Physical quantity, 3nd line: Physical unit, remaining lines: Numerical Data)
Amplitude deviation and THD as a function of MZM DC bias.

- Filename: fig6a+b.txt
Parent Figure 6a+b of main text.
Data description: Processed data for the plot (1st line: Physical quantity, 2nd line: Physical unit, remaining lines: Numerical Data)
Amplitude deviation and THD as a function of measurement time.

- Filename: fig7.txt
Parent Figure 7 of main text.
Data description: Processed data for the plot (1st line: Physical quantity, 2nd line: Physical unit, remaining lines: Numerical Data)
Amplitude deviation and THD as a function time delay between the optical channels.

recommended software for all: text editor, Excel, Origin
parameters: ADC sampling rate 500 kSa/s, samples per spectrum 50k, further data processing information see main text of publication


Kraus, Marco, Physikalisch-Technische Bundesanstalt (PTB), Fachbereich 2.6, Elektrische Quantenmetrologie, ORCID: 0000-0002-7592-9493
Kieler, Oliver, Physikalisch-Technische Bundesanstalt (PTB), Fachbereich 2.4, Quantenelektronik, ORCID: 0000-0001-5193-8910
Behr, Ralf, Physikalisch-Technische Bundesanstalt (PTB), Fachbereich 2.6, Elektrische Quantenmetrologie, ORCID: 0000-0002-5480-443X
Palafox, Luis, Physikalisch-Technische Bundesanstalt (PTB), Fachbereich 2.6, Elektrische Quantenmetrologie, ORCID: 0000-0001-7663-856X


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