Monographische Sonderveröffentlichungen

PriSpecTemp report: literature study on experimental line intensity of CO, CO2 and O2 (2025); Lüttschwager, Alexandra; Berezkin, Kirill; Li, Gang; Castrillo, Antonio; Lisak, Daniel; et al. DOI: 10.7795/120.20250204
Round Robin Comparison: MOIF measurements of the stray field distribution of a magnetic scale (2024); Sievers, Sibylle; Dorosinkiy, Lev; Lindner, Morris; DOI: 10.7795/120.20240627
Metrologie für die klinisch-chemische Diagnostik, Geschichte der Entwicklung von Messungen zum Wohle der menschlichen Gesundheit (2024); Swart, Claudia; DOI: 10.7795/120.20240213
The Role of the Center of Light for the Uncertainty of photogoniometric Measurements (2024); Dudzik, Leonhard; Trampert, Klaus; DOI: 10.7795/120.20240206B
Report on the Results of the Comparison on the Luminous Intensity, Luminance and Chromaticity (2024); Yaran, Şenel; Kösemen, Zühal Alpaslan; DOI: 10.7795/120.20240206A
Digitization versus Digitalization & Digital Transformation in the field of calibrations and their subsequent use (2024); Hackel, Siegfried; Schönhals, Shanna; Gloger, Benjamin; Doering, Lutz; Jagieniak, Justin; et al. DOI: 10.7795/120.20240126
Ein Formular ist nicht genug, Vom Onlinezugangsgesetz zum digitalen Zertifikat (2023); Keidel, Anke; Kulka-Peschke, Catharina; Pullwitt, Sabine; Battikh, Mohamed; Klemme, Markus; DOI: 10.7795/120.20230309
Bericht zur Wechselwirkung von Windenergieanlagen mit terrestrischer Navigation/Drehfunkfeuern, Erkenntnisse und Empfehlungen aus den Projekten WERAN und WERAN plus (2022); Schrader, Thorsten; Kleine-Ostmann, Thomas; Garbe, Heyno; Werner, Jens; Schubert, Karsten; et al. DOI: 10.7795/120.20220401
The PTB free-air ionization chambers (2021); Büermann, Ludwig; DOI: 10.7795/120.20220324
Microphone measurements in the vicinity of wind power plants: Results for the wind park in Gagel, Saxony Anhalt, Germany (2021); Rust, Marvin; Koch, Christian; DOI: 10.7795/120.20211130
The thorium-229 low-energy isomer and the nuclear clock (2021); Beeks, Kjeld; Sikorsky, Tomas; Schumm, Thorsten; Thielking, Johannes; Okhapkin, Maxim V.; et al. DOI: 10.7795/120.20211006
Report on the characterisation of the protection against contamination (2013); Jursic, Ivan; Rudtsch, Steffen; DOI: 10.7795/120.20210622
Metrologie für die Digitalisierung von Wirtschaft und Gesellschaft | 2020 (2020); Eichstädt, Sascha; DOI: 10.7795/120.20210223
Evaluation of a modified Herning – Zipperer method and the method by Schley et al. to compute the dynamic viscosity of natural gases (2020); van der Grinten, Jos; DOI: 10.7795/120.20200724
Aufbau und Simulation des Kugelinterferometers II der PTB (2017); Mai, Torsten; DOI: 10.7795/120.20170614A4


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