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Exoplanet im Fokus, Erforschung des HD189733-Systems (2024); Weiß, Anna Maria; DOI: 10.7795/320.202405
Additional data for the publication "Zero External Magnetic Field Quantum Standard of Resistance at the 10^−9 Level" (2024); Patel, Dinesh K.; Fijalkowski, Kajetan M.; Kruskopf, Matthias; Liu, Nan; Götz, Martin; et al. DOI: 10.7795/720.20240314
NEXAFS Spectra in Fluorescence and Transmission Mode of Organo-Sulfur Compounds with varying Sulfur Strand Length (2024); Skudler, Konstantin; Müller, Matthias; DOI: 10.7795/720.20241009
Influencing factors on the performance of flow meters in liquid flow measurements (2024); Kroner, Corinna; DOI: 10.7795/110.20240926
KI-Pflege für Orchideen, Dateneffiziente Analyse von Bilddaten komplexer biologischer Systeme mit Künstlicher Intelligenz (KI) (2024); Marx, Elora; Bachmann, Alois; DOI: 10.7795/320.202404
FEM Analysis of Thermal Properties of an Optical Gas Cell for Ro-Vibrational Spectroscopic Gas Thermometry (RVSGT) (2024); Hadidi, Kianoosh; Li, Gang; DOI: 10.7795/810.20240911B
Prispectemp Project in Progress: New Measurements of A-Band of Oxygen in Pure Gas and Mixtures with Nitrogen (2024); Berezkin, Kirill; Lüttschwager, Alexandra; Stosch, Rainer; Li, Gang; DOI: 10.7795/810.20240911A
PTB-Anforderungen 7.05 „Zusätzliche Zählwerke für die Energieakkumulation bei thermischen Energiemessgeräten“. Ausgabe Juli 2024 (2024); Physikalisch-Technische Bundesanstalt (PTB); DOI: 10.7795/510.20240814
Supplemental material to the article "Sub-nm precise measurement of adhesive gaps by imaging interferometry" (2024); Schödel, René; Ernst, Hans-Henning; Walkov, Alexander; Großmann, Jan; DOI: 10.7795/720.20240726
Common requirements for machine- readable certificates in the ISO 17000 series : Expert report DKD-E 0-2 (2024); Krah, Thomas; Czaske, Martin; Demir, Muhammed-Ali; Doering, Lutz; Härtig, Frank; et al. DOI: 10.7795/550.20240812
Gemeinsame Anforderungen an maschinenlesbare Zertifikate der ISO 17000 Reihe : Expertenbericht DKD-E 0-2 (2024); Krah, Thomas; Czaske, Martin; Demir, Muhammed-Ali; Doering, Lutz; Härtig, Frank; et al. DOI: 10.7795/550.20240809
Zum Laserhandmessgerät LTI 20/20 TruSpeed (2024); Physikalisch-Technische Bundesanstalt (PTB), Fachbereich 1.3 "Geschwindigkeit"; DOI: 10.7795/520.20240802
How accurate do you know your power at 300 GHz? (2024); Röben, Benjamin; Steiger, Andreas; Lange, Jens Karsten; Gellie, Pierre; Mondal, Priyanka; DOI: 10.7795/810.20240730
Round Robin Comparison: MOIF measurements of the stray field distribution of a magnetic scale (2024); Sievers, Sibylle; Dorosinkiy, Lev; Lindner, Morris; DOI: 10.7795/120.20240627
326. PTB-Seminar, Aktuelle Fortschritte von Kalibrierverfahren im Nieder- und Hochfrequenzbereich 2024 (2024); Krause, Christian; Götz, Martin; Langemann, Jannes; Dubowik, Alexander; Bothe, Harald; et al. DOI: 10.7795/810.20240709


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