Alle Ressourcen

Ermittelte Regeln und Erkenntnisse des Regelermittlungsausschusses nach § 46 des Mess- und Eichgesetzes, Stand: 15. November 2021 (2022); Regelermittlungsausschuss bei der Physikalisch-Technischen Bundesanstalt (PTB), Braunschweig; DOI: 10.7795/510.20220113
Data set for measurement uncertainty analysis of a measurement flexure hinge in a torque standard machine (2022); Geva, Kai; DOI: 10.7795/710.20220715
Rounding of Results and Measurement Uncertainties in Calibration Certificates : Guide DKD-L 13-3 (2021); Physikalisch-Technische Bundesanstalt (PTB); DOI: 10.7795/550.20220114
Dataset for the publication "A Ti/Pt/Co Multilayer Stack for Transfer Function Based Magnetic Force Microscopy Calibrations summary" (2022); Sakar, Baha; Sievers, Sibylle; Fernández Scarioni, Alexander; García-Sánchez, Felipe; Öztoprak, Ilker; et al. DOI: 10.7795/720.20220111
Combined Dielectric-Constant Gas Thermometry and Expansion Experiments - Virial Coefficients of Argon (2022); Günz, Christian; DOI: 10.7795/110.20220106
High-Precision Frequency Comparisons and Searches for New Physics with Yb+ Optical Clocks (2021); Lange, Richard; DOI: 10.7795/110.20211216
PTB-Anforderungen 12.04 „Verkehrsradargeräte (stationär, transportabel)“. (11/2021) (2021); Physikalisch-Technische Bundesanstalt (PTB); DOI: 10.7795/510.20211210
Sinking Bubbles, Investigating Air Bubbles in Vertically Oscillating Fluids (2021); Riviére, Ophélie Lèna; DOI: 10.7795/320.202109
Weiche Roboter – die Helfer der Zukunft?, Optimierung eines künstlichen Muskels auf Silikon-Basis (2021); Zahn, Flurina; DOI: 10.7795/320.202110
Optimization of a Self-darkening System, Effect of a resistor in series with an optically addressed spatial light modulator on the input and output light intensity curve (2021); Jathe, Adrien; DOI: 10.7795/320.202108
Dataset for the publication "Mode analysis for long, undamped cantilevers with added diamond tips of varying length for fast roughness measurements" (2021); Behle, Heinrich; Brand, Uwe; DOI: 10.7795/710.20211125
Dataset for the publication "Investigating the Trackability of Silicon Microprobes in High-Speed Surface Measurements" (2021); Xu, Min; Li, Zhi; Fahrbach, Michael; Peiner, Erwin; Brand, Uwe; DOI: 10.7795/720.20211124
Microphone measurements in the vicinity of wind power plants: Results for the wind park in Gagel, Saxony Anhalt, Germany (2021); Rust, Marvin; Koch, Christian; DOI: 10.7795/120.20211130
Microphone measurements in the vicinity of wind power plants: Results for the wind park in Gagel, Saxony Anhalt, Germany (2021); Rust, Marvin; Koch, Christian; DOI: 10.7795/720.20211130
Validation of measurement uncertainty budgets : Guide DKD-L 13-2 (2020); Physikalisch-Technische Bundesanstalt, Braunschweig; DOI: 10.7795/550.20211118


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