Title: | Workshop "Electromagnetic Waves and Wind Turbines (EMWT) 2017" |
Authors: |
Schrader, Thorsten, Physikalisch-Technische Bundesanstalt (PTB), Fachbereich 2.2, Hochfrequenz und Felder Mihalachi, Marius, Physikalisch-Technische Bundesanstalt (PTB), Fachbereich 2.2, Hochfrequenz und Felder Bredemeyer, Jochen, FCS Flight Calibration Services GmbH, ORCID: 0000-0001-6306-2557 Sandmann, Sergei, Leibniz Universität Hannover Winkel, Benjamin, Max-Planck-Institut für Radioastronomie, ORCID: 0000-0001-6999-3635 Show all authors (9) |
Contributors: | HostingInstitution: Physikalisch-Technische Bundesanstalt (PTB), ISNI: 0000 0001 2186 1887 Researcher: Stupperich, Christoph, steep GmbH Researcher: Garbe, Heyno, Leibniz Universität Hannover Researcher: Ulm, David, Physikalisch-Technische Bundesanstalt (PTB), Fachbereich 2.2, Hochfrequenz und Felder Researcher: Jessner, Axel, Max-Planck-Institut für Radioastronomie Researcher: Biermann, Wolf-Dieter, NAVCOM Consult Researcher: Mundt, Rolf, NAVCOM Consult Researcher: Worms, Josef. G., Fraunhofer Institute for High-Frequency Physics and Radar Techniques (FHR) Researcher: Knott, Peter, Fraunhofer Institute for High-Frequency Physics and Radar Techniques (FHR) Researcher: Medagli, Stefano, DELFT University of Technology Researcher: Wangkheimayum, K., DELFT University of Technology Researcher: Yarovoy, Alexander G., DELFT University of Technology |
Language: | en |
DOI: | 10.7795/810.20180227 |
Resource Type: | Text / Presentation |
Publisher: | Physikalisch-Technische Bundesanstalt (PTB) |
Rights: | Vervielfältigung nur zum eigenen persönlichen Gebrauch. |
Dates: |
Available: 2018-02-27 Created: 2017-12 |
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Keywords | WERAN ; Wind Turbines ; Terrestrial Navigation ; Radar Systems ; UAS Fleet ; GNSS ; Radar ; DVOR ; VHF ; Antenna ; radio astronomy ; spectrum management ; nav ; rad ; comm ; numerical system simulation ; ATC ; Electromagnetic Simulations ; Air Surveillance Radar Systems ; mirco-Doppler ; MS3 |
Table of Contents: | 1. WERAN, Interaction of Wind Turbines and Terrestrial Navigation / Radar Systems 2. Development of the Airborne Measurement Platfom 3. Effects of Wind Turbines on Radar signals 4. Interaction of Wind Turbines with VHF Omnidirectional Radio Ranges 5. Instrumentation for Weather Radar Measurements 6. WERAN-Numerische Simulationen 7. Compatibility between Radioastronomical Observations and Wind Turbines 8. On Numerical 3D-system simulations and Systems applied for Wind-Turbines 9. Influences of wind farms on modern ASR Radarsytems with consideration of multi-level doppler filter procedures 10. Electromagnetic Modelling of Time-Variant Propagation Effects due to Rotating Wind Turbines 11. Analysis and simulation of micro-Doppler features of wind turbine’s clutter: recent progress in extensions of TU Delft’s simplified model |