Titel: |
Measurement data for "Traceable sphericity measurements at PTB"
Autoren: |
Schake, Markus, Physikalisch-Technische Bundesanstalt (PTB), Fachbereich 4.2 Bild- und Wellenoptik, ORCID: 0000-0002-9883-3494
Beitragende: |
HostingInstitution: Physikalisch-Technische Bundesanstalt (PTB), ISNI: 0000 0001 2186 1887
Sprachen: |
DOI: |
Art der Ressource: |
Art der Ressource:
Dataset / Measurement Data
Verlag: |
Physikalisch-Technische Bundesanstalt (PTB)
Rechte: |
https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/CC-BY 4.0 International |
Datumsangaben: |
Verfügbar: 2023-12-04 |
Klassifikationen: |
OCIS 120.3180 Interferometry ; OCIS 120.2830 Height measurements ; OCIS 120.4800 Optical standards and testing ; OCIS 220.3630 Lenses
Datei: |
Datei herunterladen
471.55 MB (494454572 Bytes)
MD5 Prüfsumme: 06b7a2e62e23f56e28e169b9a3b1dd6a SHA256 Prüfsumme: 341e3455b04d21d82f9178ab879f9e40179d9f0755657182a876f559fa10d676 |
Stichwörter: |
sphericity ;
lenses ;
interferometry ;
Zusammenfassung: |
The provided data enables the immediate replication of the results presented in "Traceable sphericity measurements at PTB."
The research data is structured with respect to the figures presented in the proceeding. The subfolders "Zeiss_DK7417", "Xonox0350", "Xonox0373", "Xonox0759" contain all necessary measurement data to receive the figures from the contribution by running a python file "Topoimage_generator_OPIC2024_"name"print.py". Therefore, it is possible to compare the results with full context to those presented in the contribution. The measurement data saved as *.json files ("Interpolated_Topodata.json") contains a dictionary with the measurement data at different stages of processing: The dictionary keys are: 'Topodata' -> 1000 x 1000 pixel map of the sample topography as received from the average of N_I=20 Interferograms evaluated with the Zygo Verifire Software at PTB. The data obtained at different days of measurement has been interpolated to a common field of view. 'Topodata_processed' -> 'Topodata' with Zernike terms of piston, tip, tilt and power removed. 'Topodata_Zern5plus' -> Zernike polynomial fit of 'Topodata' with Zernike terms of piston, tip, tilt and power removed. 'Meas_label_list' -> List of the labels of the measurements, to assert each index an unambiguous measurement tag. |
Inhaltsverzeichnis: |
The subfolder "Zeiss_DK7417" contains:- Interpolated_Topodata.json -> File with measurement data in python dictionary form as described above. - metadata_plotting_Zeiss_DK7417.json -> Python dictionary with supplementary information about the sample under test - Topoimage_generator_OPIC2024_Zeiss_DK7417print.py -> Python script, which if executed loads the measurement data and produces graphical outputs, two pdf-figures are saved in the current working directory, showing the mean and std topography maps as printed in the article. The subfolder "Xonox0350" contains: - Interpolated_Topodata.json -> File with measurement data in python dictionary form as described above. - metadata_plotting_Xonox0350.json -> Python dictionary with supplementary information about the sample under test - Topoimage_generator_OPIC2024_Xonox0350print.py -> Python script, which if executed loads the measurement data and produces graphical outputs, two pdf-figures are saved in the current working directory, showing the mean and std topography maps as printed in the article. The subfolder "Xonox0373" contains: - Interpolated_Topodata.json -> File with measurement data in python dictionary form as described above. - metadata_plotting_Xonox0373.json -> Python dictionary with supplementary information about the sample under test - Topoimage_generator_OPIC2024_Xonox0373print.py -> Python script, which if executed loads the measurement data and produces graphical outputs, two pdf-figures are saved in the current working directory, showing the mean and std topography maps as printed in the article. The subfolder "Xonox0759" contains: - Interpolated_Topodata.json -> File with measurement data in python dictionary form as described above. - metadata_plotting_Xonox0759.json -> Python dictionary with supplementary information about the sample under test - Topoimage_generator_OPIC2024_Xonox0759print.py -> Python script, which if executed loads the measurement data and produces graphical outputs, two pdf-figures are saved in the current working directory, showing the mean and std topography maps as printed in the article. |
Zitat: |
Titel (Jahr)
Bemerkung: |
recommended software for reading:The measurement data has been evaluated on a personal computer with the Spider IDE 5.4.3 using "conda" as the package manager and Python 3.11.4 64-bit | Qt 5.15.6 | PyQt5 5.15.7 | Windows 10. All software required to evaluate the data is open access. The toolboxes required are: os, IPython, numpy, matplotlib and json, which all may be installed using the "conda" package manager |