Titel: |
Quantification of Brain Oxygen based on Time and Space Optimization of Diffuse Optics: Monte-Carlo Inversion of Infrared Spectroscopy on Phantoms
Autoren: |
Yang, Lin, Physikalisch-Technische Bundesanstalt (PTB), Fachbereich 8.3, Biomedizinische Optik, ORCID: 0000-0003-3266-6061
Beitragende: |
HostingInstitution: Physikalisch-Technische Bundesanstalt (PTB), ISNI: 0000 0001 2186 1887
Seiten: |
Sprachen: |
DOI: |
Art der Ressource: |
Art der Ressource:
Text / Dissertation
Verlag: |
Physikalisch-Technische Bundesanstalt (PTB)
Rechte: |
Download for personal/private use only, if your national copyright law allows this kind of use.
Beziehungen: |
IsPartOf: ISSN 0341-6712IsIdenticalTo: ISBN 978-3-95606-664-1 |
Datumsangaben: |
Verfügbar: 2022-06-08 Erstellt: 2022-01 |
Datei: |
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6.23 MB (6530590 Bytes)
MD5 Prüfsumme: ef8e164443ca0861919b8ea8ed01c68f SHA256 Prüfsumme: a9d47556bf675166e78d65dc9e2570feb0e57250c151c87108c217b3f3f7c4ff |
Stichwörter: |
picosecond diffuse optics ;
Near infrared spectroscopy ;
Monte-Carlo brain simulation ;
Spatio-temporal optimization ;
time-correlated single photon counting
Zusammenfassung: |
Optical spectroscopy techniques are frequently used for the quantitative analysis of substance composition, physical properties, and the phenomena risen from energy-matter interactions. Near-infrared absorption spectroscopy of human tissues is particularly of medical interests for its ability to selectively acquire physiological and neurological information of certain chromophores in the human body, with the help of photons that are non-invasively propagated through organs such as brain or kidney. The implementation of these techniques, despite many research activities in this area, still encounters massive difficulties primarily due to one simple fact: Light no longer travels in a straight line in tissues but rather spreads on stochastic trajectories due to the strong scattering. The optical scattering effect dominates in these media and to some extent is entangled with the optical absorption. While the optical absorption spectroscopy is what most quantitative analyses rely on, the interpretation and analysis of the results are difficult due to this entanglement with scattering and this problem has not yet been satisfactorily solved. Biomedical applications of the techniques are further complex by the geometry and heterogeneity of tissues at almost every length scale, which results in the ill-posedness of solving the underlying inverse problem and thereafter usually the solution’s non-uniqueness when retrieving the diagnostical information.
The present thesis is devoted to disentangling the effects from absorption and scattering in human brain and purpose an innovative approach on quantifying the optical absorption and scattering coefficients with improved accuracy. Especially, a new concept of integrating disparate data types from various measurement domains is proposed and verified. The work is based on a fundamental fact: The absorption and scattering, despite heavily entangled, are essentially independent. And the complementarity encoded in the measurements of different domains can be advantageously used to increase the retrieval accuracy of the unknowns and reduce the complexity of the inversion. The thesis realizes the concept in the term of spatial-enhanced time domain diffuse optics. By deploying picosecond pulse laser and time-correlated single photon counting technique, the approach is validated on homogeneous solid and two-layered liquid phantoms mimicking human brain’s optical properties. Monte-Carlo simulations are applied to imitate photon random transport in turbid media and are incorporated into the spatio-temporal optimization of the inversion process. The estimation accuracy of absorption and scattering coefficients is demonstrated at level of 5%. The examined and presented concept and computational method have the potential to overcome the challenges of the inverse problem in diffuse optics such as solution’s non-uniqueness and deep scattering neutrality. |
Information zur Reihe: |
Information zur Reihe:
PTB-Bericht Opt-96
Zitat: |
Yang, Lin. Quantification of Brain Oxygen based on Time and Space Optimization of Diffuse Optics: Monte-Carlo Inversion of Infrared Spectroscopy on Phantoms, 2022. Physikalisch-Technische Bundesanstalt (PTB). DOI: https://doi.org/10.7795/110.20220608